As a parent, seeing your child struggle with anything is heartbreaking – even more so when they are an adult. When it comes to mental health issues like depression, it can feel especially difficult to know how to help or even fully understand what they are going through.
Depression is much more than just feeling sad or going through a rough phase. It’s a serious medical condition that impacts the way a person thinks, feels, and functions in daily life. Persistent feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, lack of energy and motivation are all common symptoms.
While depression can happen at any age, it often first appears during the late teens and twenties – prime years for your child to be pursuing independence, education goals, careers and adult relationships. Having depression can make all of those big life steps extraordinarily challenging.
If your adult son or daughter is battling depression, you’re probably watching them struggle yet feeling unsure of the best ways to support them. As their parent, you can’t wave it away or “fix” it for them like when they were little. But there are still so many important things you can do to help.
First, it’s crucial to understand that depression is not a sign of weakness, laziness or something they can simply “get over” through willpower alone. It is a legitimate brain health issue with real biochemical and emotional roots behind it. Dismissing it or getting frustrated won’t help.
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Depression in Adults: What It Looks Like
In order to really be there for your adult child, it helps to recognize some of the common symptoms and signs that they may be depressed:
– Persistent sad, anxious or vacant mood – They used to be your cheerful, happy child but now seem constantly down.
– Loss of interest or pleasure in activities they once enjoyed like hanging out with friends, hobbies, etc. They stay cooped up and withdrawn.
– Unexpected changes in sleep patterns like oversleeping or insomnia.
– Big changes in appetite and weight, either gaining or losing a lot.
– Fatigue and lack of motivation, even for basic self-care like bathing or grooming. This can impact their ability to keep a job or do well in school.
– Feeling worthless, guilty or fixating on past failures no matter how small. Low self-esteem.
– Trouble concentrating, making decisions or being easily distracted.
– In severe cases, having thoughts about death, dying or suicide.
Depression doesn’t always look the same in every person, but if your adult child is exhibiting several of these symptoms for more than two weeks, there’s a good chance depression may be the cause.
It’s Not Your Fault
As a parent, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that you did not cause your adult child’s depression, and it is not your fault. Depression can impact anyone from any upbringing or life situation. It results from a complex combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors.
While your child’s depression is not your fault, you can play a hugely positive role in their recovery by being supportive, patient, and encouraging them to get help. Let them know you care and want to listen without judgment.
Speaking openly and compassionately about mental health issues can help reduce the stigma that prevents many people from seeking treatment. Make it clear their depression is a real issue, not something to be ashamed of.
Getting Professional Support
One of the most impactful things you can do is be proactive in helping your adult child find quality mental health care and treatment for their depression. The sooner it is caught and addressed, the sooner they can get on a path to feeling better.
A good first step is to encourage your child to start by seeing their regular doctor for an initial mental health screening and evaluation. The doctor can then provide next step recommendations such as therapy, counseling, medication, or a combination.
Be supportive but avoid anything forceful or ultimatums when it comes to your child seeking treatment. This is their personal decision to make when ready. You can discuss your concerns and provide informational resources, but trying to force it may push them away.
Once in treatment, respect your adult child’s privacy but make it clear you are available to provide moral support, transportation to appointments, or other assistance permitted. Don’t be a helicopter parent, but do check in on how treatment is going periodically.
Self-Care Matters
In addition to professional treatment, there are many self-care strategies you can gently encourage your adult child to incorporate into their daily routines:
Exercise: Something as simple as a daily walk or other physical activity can provide an immediate mood boost by releasing endorphins and improving sleep quality. Exercise is scientifically proven to help relieve depression and anxiety.
Nutrition: A nutritious, balanced diet provides the nutrients needed for optimal brain health and regulation of neurotransmitters involved in mood and emotions. Advise avoiding processed junk food, excess caffeine and alcohol which can worsen depression. Stock up on healthy staples when your child visits.
Stress Management: From work pressures to financial worries to relationship troubles, excessive stress is a huge trigger for depression. Recommend techniques like yoga, meditation, journaling or speaking to a counselor to keep daily stressors in check.
Social Support: Having a solid network of caring family and friends is vital when dealing with depression. Your child may be inclined to isolate themselves, so help facilitate positive social interaction as much as you can without being intrusive.
Be Patient and Supportive
Unlike a temporary funk or bad mood, true clinical depression takes time to treat and recover from – even with the right combination of therapy and medication. There may be ups and downs or perceived setbacks along the way. This can be incredibly frustrating for both you and your adult child.
The most important thing is to remain positive and continue offering your unconditional love and support. Let your child know you are in this for the long haul. Celebrate any baby steps, like them showering regularly or leaving the house to run an errand. Every progress milestone matters.
Don’t be afraid to seek your own counseling or join a support group for parents and families dealing with mental health issues. Caring for a depressed child takes a huge emotional toll, no matter their age. Having resources for your own self-care allows you to be an even better support system.
While depression is challenging, it is highly treatable – especially when it is caught early. By being proactive, compassionate, and encouraging your adult child to get help while still respecting their independence, you provide a safe, judgment-free foundation for healing and recovery.
The parent-child bond doesn’t diminish with age. Let your adult son or daughter know you will always have their back and won’t give up on them through this difficult chapter. With perseverance and the right treatment plan, the hope is for them to successfully manage their depression and live their best life possible.